- Complete the online Trial Affiliation Application Form, so we have all the information we need to promote your trial.
- Pay the affiliation fee so your trial is covered by third-party insurance.
- Email us your entry form, if you want entries in advance (We now have a standard entry form template you can use just ask the Secretary to email it to you)
- Secure your judges
- MUST BE DONE BEFORE YOUR TRIAL Check on our website that all the people that you have entered ARE CURRENT FINANCIAL MEMBERS. If EVERY PERSON that is competing is not on the website they MUST complete a Membership Renewal form, New Membership or temporary form and pay their fee BEFORE they can trial.
- INTERSTATE competitors MUST COMPLETE New Membership and click INTERSTATE Membership area option.
- Complete your risk assessment and incident report
To apply,
- Complete the online affiliation form
- Including payment
- Send a cover letter via email to the Secretary at, detailing why you wish to apply for championship status.
Deadline for applications for regional and state championship trials 1st November.
If all the above are not received your application will not be accepted.
All applications will be considered by the committee in a meeting late November.
- Fill out the online Trial Results Form to officially file the outcome of your trial with NSWYDA
- Submit your risk assessment and incident report with your results.