About Us
The NSW Yard Dog Association was established in October 1986 to showcase excellence in the working dog by demonstrating the benefits of good sheep work by a dog within the confines of the yard.
Good sheep work being efficient, safe and constructive to the end result.
In other words, it should, as much as is practical, represent real work and demonstrate the highest levels of stockmanship.
Change of Trial Dates
Please let the Secretary know as soon as possible so we can keep the website up to date and save time on administration work.
If the reason is that there is no one to do all the hard work to organise it – maybe think about putting a call for help up here on the website.
Our Objectives
- To promote public interest in dogs which work sheep in utility and yards
- To promote the holding of yard/utility dog trials
- To make and from time to time amend rules for the conduct of trials for yard dogs/utility dogs in the state of New South Wales
- To make and from time to time emend rules for the eligibility for entrance by both workers and dogs and trials for yard dogs/utility dogs in the State of NSW.
- To determine and from time to time amend a system of classification of yard dogs/utility dogs. To collect, publish and disseminate information relating to yard dogs/utility dogs.
- To establish a panel of judges and to implement and operate a system of training judges.
- To raise funds for purposes of the Association in such a manner as the Committee may from time to time determine.
- To hold yard/utility dog trials from time to time
- To establish relations and encourage exchange with other associations throughout the world having similar objects to the Association.
- To promote in all possible ways, the interest of breeders and owners of working yard/utility dogs
- NSWYDA Financial YearAt the NSWYDA 2021 AGM a special resolution was passed… Read more: NSWYDA Financial Year